Connecting Communities: A Public Conversation on our transport future in Glasgow

What do we want to know?: 

As part of Glasgow City Council’s work on developing a set of new transport plans for the City, covering the city as a whole, the city centre and local neighbourhoods, the public and stakeholders are invited to participate in a Public Conversation on transport issues in Glasgow.

Running for 6 weeks, this public engagement exercise aims to gather views on the problems we need to tackle, the kind of future transport system we want in Glasgow, and the outcomes we want to work towards. The results of this engagement exercise will inform the next stages of developing each Plan in further detail, including the types of solutions and investment decisions we need to make.

Consultation start date21 September 2020
Consultation end date30 October 2020
Feedback dateDue 31 January 2021
Method(s) of Consultation Online Questionnaire
Target Group(s) Stakeholders, General public, Community Councils
Contact Section/Service Address Email
Deborah Paton Neighbourhoods and Sustainability 231 George Street
G1 1RX
Council of the year