Open Space Strategy

What do we want to know?: 

The City Council has published a Consultative Draft Open Space Strategy (OSS) for Glasgow.  The Draft OSS sets out the ways in which the people, flora and fauna of Glasgow are likely to make use of open space, now and in the future, and sets out how these different demands on open space should be considered and met.  The Draft OSS sets out the strategic direction that will guide the Council’s work, policy-making and investment decisions in managing the City’s open spaces to allow Glasgow to flourish in future. 

Please note that the Draft OSS provides a long-term vision for Glasgow’s open spaces to ensure they meet the City’s needs in the years to come.  It does not deal with the day-to-day management and maintenance of the parks and open spaces in the Council’s ownership, which is addressed in the Council’s Parks & Greenspace Vision.

Alongside consultation on the OSS itself, consultation is also taking place on a series of Local Context Analyses (LCAs).  The LCAs complement the draft OSS by helping identify where action within specified areas of the City can help meet the overall aims of the OSS.  Consultation on the LCAs provides an opportunity to inform the Council of the open space issues that you think are important to your local area.  The Council is also using this opportunity to seek comments on its Open Space Map.

We would welcome your views on any of the issues or actions set out in the draft Open Space Strategy, the Local Context Analyses or the Open Space Map.  Copies of the draft OSS and LCAs may be inspected, during normal business hours, at the Mitchell Library, all local libraries and at the Council’s offices at 45 John Street, Glasgow. 

Your response should include your name and contact details and be as specific as possible regarding what each comment refers to (the document or Open Space Map), the part of the document to which your comments relate (or site reference for spaces on the Open Space Map), what you would like changed and why. 

Consultation start date15 October 2018
Consultation end date10 December 2018
Feedback dateDue 30 April 2019
Method(s) of Consultation Postal, On-line Questionnaire
Target Group(s) Stakeholders, General public
Contact Section/Service Address Email
Alan Duff Development and Regeneration Services 231 George Street
G1 1RX
Council of the year